My name’s Edward Gale, former columnist for the much
overrated New York Times New Paper. I have developed a fancy for analyzing and
writing about social classes and the structure of our societies; it’s just a
shame that the head honchos up at the New York Times believe that these topics are
too controversial for the average reader to handle. I have chosen to become a
free-lance writer and I have created this new medium to share my voice and my
opinions with the world known as a blog. I have turned my attention away from
the ever bustling Big Apple and have been captivated by the West Egg and East
Egg communities as well as by the desolate valley of ashes. I will be sharing
stories as well as my opinions through the use of blog entries so please feel
free to read them and hopefully you will find some enlightenment out of them.

Gatsby's Party

   I heard about a man by the name of Gatsby who holds the most extravagant, most luxurious, and most out of this world parties on West Egg. Last night I decided to experience this for myself and determine whether or not these parties were really what people described them as.  I’ll tell you right now, the descriptions of Gatsby’s party don’t do it justice! Gatsby’s party was fabulous!
When I arrived at Gatsby’s house on West Egg, I was speechless. Before I even got out of my car I saw the coloured lights lighting up Gatsby’s beautiful, large home. I felt a little nervous to enter the party uninvited, but a couple of my friends had told me that they often came without invitation. I pulled myself together and walked into Gatsby’s garden which was full of people in colourful dresses and suits, dancing and having a good time; it all seemed like a large smear of wonderful colour. I looked for Gatsby himself to apologize for coming uninvited and to introduce myself but he was nowhere to be found. I don’t think that I would have been able to recognize him even if I spotted him in the crowds. This seemed to be the case with the majority of the guests who attended Gatsby’s parties. No one knew who he was, what he looked like, or where he came from. It seemed that no one actually was in anyway related to Gatsby, as a friend, a family member, a colleague, or even as a friend of his colleague. This made me wonder why Gatsby held these parties in the first place, if it wasn’t to have fun with his friends and it wouldn’t be to impress the public. Gatsby impresses the public with his house alone and I don’t think that a wealthy man of his class has anything to prove. I can’t help but feel that everyone took advantage of his hospitality, myself included.
Nevertheless, I had the most amazing night of my life and I’m sure everyone else did as well. The music, the food, the cocktails, it was a thrill ride for the senses. In a way it’s hard to blame everyone for wanting to get away from their stressful realities, to become whoever they want, and to forget about any form of social class holding them back or restricting how they act. Everyone felt free last night, and Gatsby provided us with this opportunity. I just hope Gatsby got whatever he set out to get by doing so.



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