My name’s Edward Gale, former columnist for the much
overrated New York Times New Paper. I have developed a fancy for analyzing and
writing about social classes and the structure of our societies; it’s just a
shame that the head honchos up at the New York Times believe that these topics are
too controversial for the average reader to handle. I have chosen to become a
free-lance writer and I have created this new medium to share my voice and my
opinions with the world known as a blog. I have turned my attention away from
the ever bustling Big Apple and have been captivated by the West Egg and East
Egg communities as well as by the desolate valley of ashes. I will be sharing
stories as well as my opinions through the use of blog entries so please feel
free to read them and hopefully you will find some enlightenment out of them.

A Meeting in the Night

Big news folks! It seems we have another affair in our hands, that of Daisy Buchanan and the mysterious Great Gatsby! Is this Daisy’s way of getting back at her husband Tom for having an affair with Myrtle Wilson? I don’t remember any time when they could have met; when did they meet? I don’t know the answers to these questions; all I know is what I saw.

It was late last night at Gatsby’s home where I saw the two of them exit Gatsby’s car and quickly but quietly enter his home. Usually in a situation like this, I wouldn’t be so quick to assume that the two people in question are engaged in a relationship, but the way Gatsby embraced Daisy was different. When Gatsby got out of the driver’s side of his car he was abnormally quick in running to the other side to help Daisy out. As soon as he got to Daisy he clinched on to her as if he were afraid she would fly away and would be out of his grasp forever. I don’t know, perhaps I am looking at things a bit too closely; nevertheless, I saw something more than just friendship between them.

I certainly hope that Daisy truly loves Gatsby; I would hate to see such a respectable man made a fool by false love. I’m not trying to suggest that Daisy is trying to take advantage of Gatsby; I’m just trying to highlight Daisy’s instability. Daisy’s husband is cheating on her and she knows it; it’s hard to blame her for wanting to grasp on to the nearest wealthy gentlemen who flashes her a smile. Gatsby’s probably the perfect man for Daisy to have an affair with if her intent was to make Tom jealous. I’m not surprised that Daisy selected someone of High Class to have an affair with since she and her husband are of High Class. Unlike her husband, I don’t think that Daisy would be able to associate herself with a person of Lower Class. She seems like the type of person who looks down upon less fortunate people and would feel as if her social status decreased if she were to have an affair with a lower class individual.

I suppose Tom deserves to be cheated on, but Gatsby doesn’t deserve to have his heart broken so I sincerely hope that Daisy is thinking with her heart and not with her self-centered mind.

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